His eye affected his heart.
Taken from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible
by Matthew Henry 1662-1714
A blog of quotes from Godly Dead Guys like Charles Spurgeon, JC Ryle, William Wilberforce, Jeremiah Burroughs, John Owen, Matthew Henry, Ichabod Spencer and many others - as long as they were Godly and are now dead. Enjoy!
His eye affected his heart.
Taken from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible
by Matthew Henry 1662-1714
How many people have you made homesick for God?
Taken from the book The Quotable Oswald Chambers
Oswald Chambers 1874-1917
Hope fills the afflicted soul with such inward joy and consolation, that it can laugh while tears are in the eye, sigh and sing all in a breath; it is called "the rejoicing of hope". (Hebrews 3:6)
William Gurnall 1617-1679 Quoted in the book A Puritan Golden Treasury
Taken from the book The Complete John Ploughman
by Charles Spurgeon 1834-1892
You fly to company, to vain amusements, or the cares of this world to stifle the voice of conscience. Why do you strive to stifle her voice? Alas! it is because you know that conscience witnesses against you. But though you endeavor to drown her voice, yet you know that now and then she speaks in a tone of terror. And is this the happiness you promise yourself in the ways of sin?
Taken from the tract Warning Voice in the book The Publications of the American Tract Society
Tracts are from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries
What will it avail thee to dispute profoundly of the Trinity, if thou be void of humility, and art thereby displeasing to the Trinity? Surely high words do not make a man holy and just; but a virtuous life maketh him dear to God.
I had rather feel compunction, than undersatnd the definition thereof. If thou didst know the whole Bible by heart, and the sayings of all the philosphers, what would all that profit thee without the love of God and without grace? Vanity of vanities and all is vanity, except to love God, and to serve him only.
Taken from the book The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis 1380-1471
How true it is that the holiest saint is in himself a "miserable sinner," and a debtor to mercy and grace to the last moment of his existence!
Taken from the book Holiness by JC Ryle 1879
Private prayer is a golden key to unlock the mysteries of the Word to us. The knowledge of many choice and blessed truths is but the outcome of private prayer. The Word most dwells richly in their hearts who are most in pouring out their hearts before God in their closets.
Taken from the book The Secret Key To Heaven by Thomas Brooks 1665
Taken from the book The True Bounds of Christian Freedom by Samuel Bolton 1645
There are some poor souls, and I believe there are some among the Corinthians, that are apt to become discouraged when they compare themselves with others. When a dwarf stands by a giant, a man of low stature by a tall one, as David by Goliath, he seems to be nobody; yet he is a man, a perfect man, in spite of the vast difference between them.
Many poor souls, when they see themselves outstripped in knowledge, faith, love and patience by some that came into Christ long after them, are apt to think that they are not saints because they are not saints such as those.
Taken from the book Learning in Christ's School by Ralph Venning 1675
The more prayers and searchings of heart come between our needs and supplies, our afflictions and reliefs, the sweeter are our reliefs and supplies thereby made to us. 'Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us; this is the Lord, we have waited for him, we will rejoice and be glad in his salvation' (Isaiah 25:9).
Taken from the book The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel 1678
January 26, 1856
The harvest here is indeed great, and the laborers are few and imperfectly fitted, without much grace, for such work. And yet, grace can make a few feeble instruments the means of accomplishing great things – things greater even than we can conceive.
Taken from the book Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret Hudson Taylor 1832-1905
Taken from the book The Quotable Oswald Chambers
Oswald Chambers 1874-1917
By thy blood we have "boldness to enter into the holiest, by a new and living way consecrated for us" (Heb 10:19-20). Cause me to draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of faith. Thy name is faithful and true.
Beware of harking back to what you once were when God wants you to be something you have never been.
Taken from the book The Quotable Oswald Chambers
Oswald Chambers 1874-1917
Taken from the book Extracts from the Writings of Thomas Watson
Thomas Watson 1620-1686
Learn to believe in God, take hold of God, let God take possession of your life, and it will be easy to take hold of the promises. He who knows and trusts God will find it easy to trust the promises too.
Taken from the book Teach Me To Pray by Andrew Murray 1828-1917
Oh, for the old fire again! The Church will never prosper till it comes once more. Oh, for the old fanaticism, for that indeed was the Spirit of God making men's spirits in earnest! Oh, for the old doing and daring that risked everything and cared for nothing, except to glorify him who shed his blood upon the cross! May we live to see such bright and holy days again!
Charles Spurgeon 1834-1892
Taken from the book The Best of Jonathan Edwards
Taken from the book Select Sermons of George Whitefield
by George Whitefield 1714-1770
Brother, sister, have you found our King? There He is, kissing little children and drawing them to Himself with utmost affection. There He is at a table with the head of a fisherman lying on His bosom, and somewhat heavy at heart that even he, the beloved disciple, cannot yet understand Him well. The mothers and fathers who show the greatest care, compassion, and sympathy for their children are but an earthly representative of our all-loving God.
Taken from the book The Best of George Macdonald George Macdonald 1824-1905
To someone asking for some means to get more strength in his arms and hands to be able to seize and hang on to things, a physician would say that his whole constitution must be built up and strengthened. So the cure of a weak faith is only found by revitalizing our whole spiritual life through close fellowship with God.
Taken from the book Teach Me To Pray by Andrew Murray 1828-1917