Friday, April 15, 2016

Our Idle Silences - JR Miller

Thomas Carlyle, that gifted author, when he passed the spot where he had last seen his wife alive, would bare his old head in wind or rain, his features wrung with bitter, unavailing sorrow. "Oh", he would say, "if I could see her but for five minutes, to assure her that I really cared for her throughout all that time! But she never knew it—she never knew it!"
We must give account for our idle silences as well as for our idle words.
Taken from the book Secrets of a Happy Home Life by J.R. Miller 1894

Thursday, April 14, 2016

True Worship - Charles Spurgeon

All places are holy to holy people, and all engagements holy to holy men, if they do them with holy motives, lifting up their hearts to God. Whether a man swings the blacksmith's hammer or lays his hand to the plow, that which is done unto the Lord and not unto men is true worship.
Taken from the book Spurgeon on Praise Charles Spurgeon 1834-1892 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Little Sins Multiplied

Little sins multiplied, become great. There is nothing less than a grain of sand - there is nothing heavier than the sand of the sea multiplied.
Taken from the book Smooth Stones taken from Ancient Brooks: Selections from the Writings of Thomas Brooks - Thomas Brooks 1608-1680

Friday, April 1, 2016

I Should Pray as a Child Asks - Andrew Murray

I should pray as a child asks his father, as simply and trustfully as a child asks for food.
Taken from the book 199 Treasures of Wisdom on Talking with God: Compiled from the Writings of Andrew Murray -Andrew Murray 1828-1917