A blog of quotes from Godly Dead Guys like Charles Spurgeon, JC Ryle, William Wilberforce, Jeremiah Burroughs, John Owen, Matthew Henry, Ichabod Spencer and many others - as long as they were Godly and are now dead. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Let us Look At - Richard Sibbes
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
We Live Upon - John Owen
Monday, October 29, 2012
Praise Is - Thomas Watson
Friday, October 26, 2012
God Will Not - Oswald Chambers
God will do everything I cannot do, but He will do nothing He has constructed me to do.
Taken from the book The Quotable Oswald Chambers
Oswald Chambers 1874-1917
Page 231
Thursday, October 25, 2012
A Thorough Knowledge of the Bible Is the Foundation - J.C. Ryle
A thorough knowledge of the Bible is the foundation of all clear views of religion. He that is well-grounded in it will not generally be found a waverer, and carried about by every wind of new doctrine. Any system of training which does not make a knowledge of Scripture the first thing is unsafe and unsound.
Taken from the book The Duties of Parents by JC Ryle 1816-1900
Page 9
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
If You Want To Scatter Your Doubts - Moody
Taken from the book Day by Day with DL Moody DL Moody 1837-1899
Page 89
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Servants of God - C.H. Spurgeon
I very much disagree with those who decry ministers of slender gifts, sneering at them, as though they ought not to occupy the pulpit at all. Are we, after all, as servants of God, to be measured by mere oratorical ability? Is this after the fashion of Paul, when he renounced the wisdom of words lest the faith of the disciples should stand in the wisdom of men, and not in the power of God? If you could blot out from the Christian church all the minor stars, and leave nothing but those of the first magnitude, the darkness of this poor world would be increased seven fold.
Taken from the book Council for Christian Workers
by Charles Spurgeon 1834-1892
Page 59
Monday, October 22, 2012
It Is One Thing to Have Sin Alarmed, It Is Another To - Joseph Alleine
An apostate may be an enlightened man (Heb vi 4), and a Felix tremble under conviction (Acts xxiv 25), and a Herod do many things (Mk of 20). It is one thing to have sin alarmed only by convictions, and another to have it crucified by converting grace.
Taken from the book A Sure Guide to Heaven by Joseph Alleine 1671
Page 22
Friday, October 19, 2012
A Great Faith Is Like - Thomas Watson
A great faith is like the anchor or cable of a ship that holds it steady in the midst of storms. A Christian who is steeled with this heroic faith is settled in the mysteries of religion. The Spirit of God has so firmly printed heavenly truths upon his heart that you may we well remove the sun out of the firmament as remove him from those holy principles he has absorbed. Behold here, a pillar in the temple of God (Rev. 3:12).
Taken from the book The Lords Supper by Thomas Watson 1665
Page 70
Thursday, October 18, 2012
They Will Not Cut Corn Until - Samuel Bolton
Taken from the book The True Bounds of Christian Freedom
by Samuel Bolton 1645
Page 46
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Why Should It Be a Grievous Command - Hugh Binning
If I be convinced that there is any equity and beauty in that command which charges others to love me, forgive me, forbear with me, and restore me in meekness, why, then, should it be a grievous command that I should pay that debt of love and tenderness to others?
Taken from the book Christian Love by Hugh Binning 1627-1653
Page 38
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
We Must Have Great Notions of the Work of Grace - Richard Sibbes
Taken from the book Glorious Freedom by Richard Sibbes 1639
Page 106
Monday, October 15, 2012
Be Frequent In Closet Prayer - Thomas Brooks
Taken from the book The Secret Key To Heaven by Thomas Brooks 1665
Page 183
Friday, October 12, 2012
Our Daily Dependence - Charles Spurgeon
Taken from the book God Loves You by Charles Spurgeon 1834-1892
Page 26
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Some Sins of Omission Are Like - George Swinnock
Some sins of omission are like great men, that never go without followers.
George Swinnock 1627 -1673
Taken from the book A Puritan Golden Treasury
Page 265
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
He Rejoices That He Can Grieve For Sin - William Bridge
True humiliation is no enemy but a real friend unto spiritual joy, to our rejoicing in God. The more a man is humbled for sin committed, the more he will rejoice in God, and rejoice that he can grieve for sin. He grieves, and rejoices that he can grieve for sin.
Taken from the book A Lifting Up For The Downcast by William Bridge 1649
Page 82
Monday, October 8, 2012
God Has No Dumb Children - JC Ryle
The Lord Jesus when He quickens them, gives them a voice and a tongue, and says to them, "Be dumb no more." God has no dumb children. It is as much a part of their new nature to pray, as it is of a child to cry. They see their need of mercy and grace. They feel their emptiness and weakness. They cannot do otherwise than they do. They must pray.
Taken from the book A Call to Prayer by JC Ryle 1816-1900
Page 5
Friday, October 5, 2012
For What Should My Soul More Pray - Richard Baxter
O then, for what should my soul more pray, than for a clearer and stronger faith? 'I believe; Lord, help my unbelief!' I have many thousand times groaned to thee under this burden of remaining darkness and unbelief; I have many thousand times thought of the evidences of Christianity, and of the necessity of a lively, powerful, active faith. I have cried to thee night and day, 'Lord, increase my faith!'
Taken from the book Dying Thoughts by Richard Baxter 1683
Page 34
Thursday, October 4, 2012
If We Are Struggling In Prayer - Oswald Chambers
If we are struggling in prayer it is because the wiles of the enemy are getting the upper hand, and we must look for the cause in our lack of discipline. There are some things we have not been strenuously practicing. We used to pray in the morning, do we now? We used to commune with God over the Bible, do we now? We used to be in contact with God wherever we went, are we now? Put on the whole armor of God and continuously practice, then the wiles of the devil cannot get you unaware.
Taken from the book If You Will Ask by Oswald Chambers 1874-1917
Page 30
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
We Would Never Be Afraid - John Bunyan
If this God be our God; or if our God be such a God, and could we but attain to that knowledge of the breath, and length, and depth, and height that is in him, as the apostle here prays, and desires we may, we should never be afraid of anything we shall meet with, or that shall assault us in this world.
Taken from the book All Loves Excelling by John Bunyan 1692
Page 39
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
To Sing With the Soul Is - Charles Spurgeon
To sing with the soul is to offer the only acceptable praise. We do not come together to amuse ourselves, to display our powers of melody, or our aptness in creating harmony. We come to pay our adoration at the footstool of the Great King, to whom alone be glory forever and ever. True praise is for God and for God alone.
Taken from the book Spurgeon on Praise Charles Spurgeon 1834-1892
Page 121
Monday, October 1, 2012
No Saint Shall Die Till - Ralph Venning
No saint shall die till he has attained the utmost of what he was designed to. As none of God's elect die before they are converted, so no converted ones die till they come to their maturity and ripen, like a shock of corn, for the harvest of God. God gathers only ripe fruits, though some are ripe sooner than others. And I may say, some are summer and other winter fruit.
Taken from the book Learning in Christ's School by Ralph Venning 1675
Page 36