Friday, March 29, 2013

So That They May Boldly Say - John Bunyan

The great God, the former of all things, taketh part with them that fear him, and engage themselves to walk in his ways, of love, and respect, they bear unto him; so that such may boldly say, "The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me" (Heb 13:6).

Taken from the book All Loves Excelling by John Bunyan 1692

Thursday, March 28, 2013

the Lord makes use of all the seasons of the year - Thomas Watson

As the Lord makes use of all the seasons of the year, frost and heat, to produce the harvest, so all prosperous and adverse providences are for the promoting of the work of holiness in the soul.

Thomas Watson, 1620-1686, Taken from the book, The Godly Man's Picture

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Better Than He Deserves - Thomas Watson

When the heart lies low, it can stoop to a low condition. A Christian looking at his sins wonders that it is no worse with him; he does not say his mercies are small, but his sins are great. He knows that the worst piece God carves him is better than he deserves; therefore he takes it thankfully upon his knees.

Taken from the book The Godly Man's Picture by Thomas Watson 1666


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

We Have To Pray - Oswald Chambers

We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.

Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917

Friday, March 22, 2013

They Shall Never Provoke Him To - Thomas Brooks

Your sins may provoke Christ to frown upon you, they may provoke Christ to chide with you, they may provoke him gently to correct you, but they shall never provoke him to give you a bill of divorce.

Taken from the book Smooth Stones taken from Ancient Brooks: Selections from the Writings of Thomas Brooks by CH Spurgeon

Thomas Brooks 1608-1680

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ye Shall Not Miss - Samuel Rutherford

Acquaint yourself with Christ's love, and ye shall not miss to find new goldmines and treasures in Christ.

Taken from the book The Loveliness of Christ by Samuel Rutherford 1600-1661

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Nothing but intense believing prayer - Andrew Murray

Nothing but intense, believing prayer can meet the intense spirit of worldliness,
which is complained of everywhere.

Andrew Murray 1828-1917

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Time I Have In This World - Thomas Chalmers

Pray that the brief remaining time I have in this world may be employed to the best advantage, both for the profit of my own soul and for that of others. More especially may the time spent in company be laid out for Christ, and not lost in the common-places and frivolities of ordinary conversation. May my speech be leavened with religion and yet be adapted to the peculiarities and the needs of every man, so that all offence may, when possible, be shunned, yet many be won to the faith and the following of Jesus.

Taken from the book Sabbath Scripture Readings by Thomas Chalmers 1780-1847

Page 298


Monday, March 18, 2013

He Knows In Part - Ichabod Spencer

In one word, there is a mixture of clearness and obscurity in almost every part of a believer's knowledge. He knows in part, but only in part. He knows God in part, himself in part, sin in part, and heaven in part. But in all his knowledge there is a mingling of clearness and obscurity, and it will remain there till that day comes, when he shall see as he is seen, and know as he is known.

Taken from the book Practical Sermons by Ichabod Spencer 1798-1854

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Gift of Prayer - Andrew Murray

Surely of all the gifts of the early church for which we should long, there is none more needed than the gift of prayer - prayer that brings down the Holy Spirit on believers. This power is given to the men who say, "We will give ourselves... to prayer (Acts 6:4).
Andrew Murray 1828-1917


Thursday, March 14, 2013

God Won't Cure Laziness - Oswald Chambers

The discipline of our mind is the one domain God has put in our keeping. It is impossible to be of any use to God if we are lazy. God won't cure laziness, we have to cure it.

Taken from the book The Quotable Oswald Chambers

Oswald Chambers 1874-1917

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

He Will Quickly Calm the Sea - Brother Lawrence

If the vessel of our soul is still tossed with winds and storms, let us awake the Lord, who reposes in it, and He will quickly calm the sea.

Taken from the book The Practice of the Presence of God

by Brother Lawrence 1614-1691

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Only As Righteous Ones Can We Be Saved - Charles Spurgeon

Only as righteous ones can we be saved, but Jesus Christ makes us righteous, and therefore we are saved.

Taken from the book Christ's Glorious Achievements

by Charles Spurgeon 1834-1892

Monday, March 11, 2013

Faith, Led and Taught by God's Holy Spirit - Andrew Murray

Faith, led and taught by God's Holy Spirit, gains the confidence to prayerfully claim: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Taken from the book 199 Treasures of Wisdom on Talking with God: Compiled from the Writings of Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray 1828-1917

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mercies Are Never So Savory As - Ralph Venning

Take notice not only of the mercies of God, but of God in the mercies. Mercies are never so savory as when they savor of a savior.

Ralph Venning  1621-1673

Taken from the book A Puritan Golden Treasury

Thursday, March 7, 2013

None can do this work, but - Richard Baxter

None can do this work on the soul of man but God: not the most learned and holy teachers or the wisest and most affectionate parents, or the greatest princes.

Richard Baxter 1615-1691

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Are you praising God more and more? - C.H. Spurgeon

But Christians, the last word is for you. Are you praising God more and more? If you are not, I am afraid of one thing: that you are probably praising Him less and less. It is a certain truth that if we do not go forward in the Christian life, we go backward. You cannot stand still. There is a drift one way or the other.

Taken from the book Spurgeon on Praise Charles Spurgeon 1834-1892 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Most Likely To Understand God - DL Moody

Those who resemble God are the most likely to understand God. If a man is not willing to turn from sin, he will not know God's will. God will not reveal His secrets to him. But, if a man is willing to turn from sin, he will be surprise to see how the light will come in!

 Taken from the book The Way to God by DL Moody 1837-1899

Monday, March 4, 2013

What Is the Great Sin - William Bridge

What is the great sin, the fountain sin, the head of all your sins, but unbelief?

Taken from the book A Lifting Up For The Downcast by William Bridge 1649

Friday, March 1, 2013

What Is It to Believe On Christ - J.W. Chickering

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. (John 3:36 KJV)

"What is it to believe on Christ?" It is, to feel your need of him; to believe that he is able and willing to save you, and to save you now; and to cast yourself unreservedly on his mercy, and trust in him alone for your salvation.

J.W. Chickering 1831-1913

Taken from the book A Pastor's Counsel: Wise Words for Weary, Wounded, and Wandering Sheep